DHCP Backups in PowerShell
Backing up a DHCP server is simple using the cmdlets Backup-DhcpServer
and Restore-DhcpServer
. There are a couple gotchas and while it is not as directory specific as the DNS Backups are I chose to use the same directories out of convenience.
ACLs must be set to give "DHCP Server" full control over the restoration files otherwise the import fails.
The service must be restarted prior to removing the restoration files, otherwise you get errors and no restoration occurs.
$log = 'C:\dhcp_backup.log'
Start-Transcript $log
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
# --- Initializations --- #
If (Test-Path '.\send-mail\send-mail.ps1') {
. .\send-mail\send-mail.ps1
} Else {
Throw "send-mail is missing"
# --- Declarations --- #
#user vars, change these
$backupLocation = "\\dsk7\backups-smb\dhcp\"
$archive = "C:\$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d)-$env:COMPUTERNAME.dhcp.zip"
#system vars, you likely don't change these
$dhcpRoot = 'C:\Windows\System32\dhcp\'
$dhcpBak = "$dhcpRoot\backupTask"
# use an array to catch bad things and put it in our email
$failureArray = @()
# --- Functions --- #
Function mail {
# stop must be here so that the file can be unlocked whenever we want to mail
If ($failureArray.Count -gt 0) {
$result = 'failure'
} Else {
$result = 'success'
send-mail -to 'user@contoso.com' -subject "DHCP Backup on $env:COMPUTERNAME $result" -body "Failures: $failureArray" -attachment $log
# --- Execution --- #
Write-Host "Running the backup..." -ForegroundColor Green
Try {
Backup-DhcpServer -Path "$dhcpBak"
} Catch {
$failureArray += "DHCP Backup Failure"
Write-Host $_
Throw "DHCP backup failure"
# zip-em and move-em
$zipFiles = "$dhcpBak"
Write-Host "Compressing archive $archive" -ForegroundColor Green
Compress-Archive -Path $zipFiles -DestinationPath $archive
Write-Host "Moving $archive to $backupLocation" -ForegroundColor Green
Try {
Move-Item -Path $archive -Destination $backupLocation
} Catch {
Write-Warning "Move failure"
$failureArray = "move failure"
Write-Host $_
Try {
Remove-Item -Path $dhcpBak -Recurse
} Catch {
Write-Warning "failed to remove backup dir"
$failureArray += 'backup dir failed to remove'
Write-Host $_
# --- Ending Tasks --- #
This script utilizes my email script submodule.
Start-Transcript 'C:\dhcp_recovery.log'
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
Function dhcp_recovery {
param (
# this cannot be changed, the commands will only load files from this dir
$dhcpRoot = "C:\Windows\System32\dhcp"
$dhcpBak = "$dhcpRoot\backupTask\"
If (!(Test-Path $archive)) {
Throw "$archive does not exist, check the path and try again"
If (Test-Path $dhcpBak) {
Throw "$dhcpBak exists, verify your goal and remove it"
Write-Host "Expanding $archive at $dhcpRoot, it will be $dhcpBak" -ForegroundColor Green
Expand-Archive -Path $archive -DestinationPath $dhcpRoot
# Set permissions for 'DHCP Server' to Full Control
$dhcpAcl = Get-ACL $dhcpRoot
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $dhcpBak | Set-ACL -AclObject $dhcpAcl
Restore-DhcpServer -Path $dhcpBak
# restart the server before removing our files, otherwise this whole thing fails
Write-Host "Restarting DHCP Server..." -ForegroundColor Green
Restart-Service -Name DHCPServer
Write-Host "Removing files from $dhcpBak"
Remove-Item -Path $dhcpBak -Recurse
A DHCP server runs a backup of itself every 60 min by default, using probably Backup-DHCPServer
cmdlet. This automatic backup is located, always by default in %SystemRoot%\System32\DHCP\backup
Official docs
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/dhcpserver/backup-dhcpserver?view=windowsserver2022-ps
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/dhcpserver/restore-dhcpserver?view=windowsserver2022-ps
Backup-DhcpServer vs Export-DhcpServer