Events - DFS

Event IDs


Replication has started on the listed share


Replication has completed


Above high water mark for the replication staging dir,

This is expected to occur many times in normal DFS usage.


Below the watermark for the replication staging dir.

This appears after 4202 if no issues were encountered.


Replication has hit an issue with the staging directory. I hit this issue several times, but letting it sit always resolved itself, even if overnight.


Like 4202


Like 4204


A file conflict was found, and automatically resolved. It will list the file that was the issue.


These duplicates go somewhere, but I do not know where. It could pose an issue to your disk space should this occur on a large share.


A replication partner has been found


A replication partner failed to be found

Event 4206 - Dfsr failed to cleanup staging files

The DFS Replication service failed to clean up old staging files for the replicated folder at local path D:\Data\Shared. The service might fail to replicate some large files and the replicated folder might get out of sync. The service will automatically retry staging space cleanup in 30 minutes. The service may start cleanup earlier if it detects some staging files have been unlocked.

Additional Information:
Staging Folder: D:\Data\Shared\DfsrPrivate\Staging\ContentSet{E6F5FC43-0C10-4669-A550-75D961C6D7CB}-

Configured Size: 4096 MB
Space in Use: 50837 MB
High Watermark: 90%
Low Watermark: 60%
Replicated Folder Name: Shared1
Replicated Folder ID: E6F5FC43-0C10-4669-A550-75D961C6D7CB
Replication Group Name: domainname.local\data\shared1
Replication Group ID: 47ADFA93-6BF4-47A4-AFC4-89375890489B
Member ID: D1F1EC5E-50EE-41CF-A702-6901F7C11587


This occurred on a full replication and a pre-seeded one


I hit this issue, but come the next morning the issue had resolved itself.

Possible alternative resolutions could include:

Event 4104

When replication is complete, you will see event 4104 in event viewer. It will contain the following text and explain the DsfrPrivate hidden system directory that was added.
