Sorting properties of an object

I had a CSV full of broken file paths and needed to get the longest path from each. When pulling in these paths we got objects like:


count : 185
0 : CDRLs - DP BRIDGE N00421-15-C-0004
1 : A005 Vulner Assess
2 : 2015
3 : August
4 : Final
5 : Delivery Email_N0041-15-C-0004, CDRL A005 Application_Software Vulnerability Assessment (01 - 31 August 2015).pdf

I was not able to sort these in any way, I tried a basic way first:

foreach ($i in $tot[0] {
    $i.Value.Length | sort

In the Powershell discord I was told to try making it a process and that actually worked. I added the Selct statement to end up with the longest part of the path on each line.

$tot = Import-Csv total.csv
foreach ($one in $tot) {
    & { 
        foreach ($i in $ { 
    } | Sort-Object -Property Length | Select -last 1