DNS Backups in PowerShell

DNS backups are a bit complicated, you need to backup and restore each zone individually with files that are in a static location in System32. Most sources I found used dnscmd which is too DOS for me, we need to PowerShell it up. I ended up finding that Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone would work for my needs despite what some sources said about there being no PowerShell way to do this.



$log = 'C:\dns_backup.log'
Start-Transcript $log     

#Requires -RunAsAdministrator

# --- Initializations --- #
If (Test-Path '.\send-mail\send-mail.ps1') {
    . .\send-mail\send-mail.ps1
    } Else {
    Throw "send-mail is missing"

# --- Declarations --- #
#user vars, change these
$backupLocation = "\\dsk7\backups-smb\dns\"
$archive = "C:\$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d)-$env:COMPUTERNAME.dns.zip"

#system vars, you likely don't change these
$dnsRoot = 'C:\Windows\System32\dns\'
$primarys = Get-DnsServerZone | Where-Object { $_.ZoneType -eq 'Primary' }

# use an array to catch bad things and put it in our email
$failureArray = @()
$result = "success"

# --- Functions --- #
Function mail {
    # stop must be here so that the file can be unlocked whenever we want to mail
    If ($failureArray.Count -gt 0) {
        $result = 'failure'
    } Else {
        $result = 'success'
    send-mail -to 'user@contoso.com' -subject "DNS Backup on $env:COMPUTERNAME $result" -body "Failures: $failureArray" -attachment $log

# --- Execution --- #
ForEach ($z in $primarys) {
    $zone = $z.ZoneName
    # auto created zones fail to export
    If ($z.IsAutoCreated -eq $false -And $z.ZoneName -notLike "*arpa") {
        Write-Host "Zone $zone" -ForegroundColor Green
        $file = "$zone.dns.bak"
        Write-Host "Exporting $zone to $file" -ForegroundColor Green
        Try {
            Export-DnsServerZone -Name $zone -FileName $file
        } Catch {
            Write-Warning "Failed to backup $zone"
            $failureArray += $zone
            Write-Host $_
        $backupFile = $dnsRoot + $file
# zip-em and move-em
$zipFiles = "$dnsRoot\*.dns.bak"

Write-Host "Compressing archive $archive" -ForegroundColor Green
Compress-Archive -Path $zipFiles -DestinationPath $archive

Write-Host "Moving $archive to $backupLocation" -ForegroundColor Green
Try {
    Move-Item -Path $archive -Destination $backupLocation
} Catch {
    $failureArray += "move failure"
    Write-Warning "move failure"
    Write-Host $_

Try {
    Remove-Item -Path "$dnsRoot\*.dns.bak" -Recurse
} Catch {
    Write-Warning "failed to remove backup dir"
    $failureArray += 'backup dir failed to remove'
    Write-Host $_

# --- Ending Tasks --- #

This script utilizes my email script submodule.


Start-Transcript 'C:\dns_recovery.log'

#Requires -RunAsAdministrator

Function dns_recovery {
    param (
    # this cannot be changed, the commands will only load files from this dir
    $dnsRoot = "C:\Windows\System32\dns"

    If (!(Test-Path $archive)) {
        Throw "$archive does not exist, check the path and try again"

    Write-Host "Expanding $archive at $dnsRoot" -ForegroundColor Green
    Expand-Archive -Path $archive -DestinationPath $dnsRoot

    $allFiles = Get-ChildItem $dnsRoot
    $backupFiles = $allFiles | Where {$_.Name -Like "*.dns.bak"}

    ForEach ($file in $backupFiles) {
        $zone = $file.Name.Replace('.dns.bak','')
        Write-Host "Loading $zone from $file..." -ForegroundColor Green
        Try { 
            Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone -ZoneName $zone -ZoneFile $file.Name -LoadExisting
        } Catch {
            Write-Warning "Failed to restore $zone"

    Write-Host "Removing files from $dnsRoot"
    Remove-Item -Path "$dnsRoot\*.dns.bak"



Updates: 2022-04-22: Added a check for arpa specifically as it was an issue on my home DNS server.


Another basic script

An overview on the cmdlets and commands

Using PowerShell

Docs on DNSServer Module