Finding certs that are self-signed or have an untrusted-root

I needed to find all of the self-signed certificates on my machine so I whipped up a tiny function to do it. The largest caveat is the inability to distinguish between a truly self-signed certificate and one that only has an untrusted root cert from someone else.

Function Get-UntrustedRoots {
    $badCerts = @()
    $certs = Get-ChildItem -Recurse cert:\ | ? {$_.subject -ne $null} | ? {$_.subject -eq $_.issuer}
    Foreach ($cert in $certs) {
        If (!(Test-Certificate -Cert $cert -WarningVariable reason -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            If ($reason -Like "*CERT_TRUST_IS_UNTRUSTED_ROOT") {
                $badCerts += $cert
    Return $badCerts
Get-UntrustedRoots | Select Subject,Issuer,EnhancedKeyUsageList,Thumbprint,PSParentPath | fl