Nginx-Certbot Container
When I first started running my environment in containers via Docker I used a container setup from JWilder, nginx-proxy and letsencrypt-proxy-companion which seems to have been replaced by acme-companion. These containers made using a reverse-proxy with SSL very simple and could be deployed with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) methods.
Sadly, when I moved to Podman these containers were no longer an option due to a missing docker-gen functionality on which these containers depend.
Most people in the community seem to recommend Traefik but when I tested it out I found it to be a horrendously large and confusing service that uses its own webportal, requiring manual setup of site configurations. I missed being able to provide a hand full of arguments to an nginx container that would grab the required LetsEncrypt certificates itself and build out working configurations on the fly.
To this end I started creating nginx-certbot.
Nginx-Certbot is an nginx server that includes the certbot binary, it is able to ingest a json variable to build site configurations on the fly or it can take pre-made site.conf files when setups get a bit more complicated. For my first "public" container I think this is pretty refined and I don't see any way to make it smaller (117MB total with 60.5MB from the alpine base and 54.3MB from certbot).
A basic setup would look like:
podman network create proxy
podman run -d --network proxy --name webserver httpd
podman run -d \
-p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
-e PRODUCTION=false \
-e HOSTS='[{"hostname":"","proxy_pass":"http://webserver"}]' \
-e \
--network proxy \
--name proxy pipeittodevnull/nginx-certbot:latest
Check out the Readme for a full run down on how to use the container.
The container is on the hub, but I suspect very few will ever use it. No matter what, it works for me and it is fun learning all the CI/CD required to make it work well.